Three protestors killed in West Darfur

Three people were killed in an attack on Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC) protestors in Um Tajok in Kireinik locality in West Darfur on Saturday.

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Three people were killed in an attack on Alliance for Freedom and Change (AFC) protestors in Um Tajok in Kireinik locality in West Darfur on Saturday.

People in Um Tajok accuse remnants of the former regime “headed by Adam Hasaballah” of being behind the attack, which claimed the lives of three people. Seven others were wounded, livestock was killed, and many houses were burned to the ground.

A listener told Radio Dabanga that the people of Um Tajok and Kireinik have called on the authorities to carry out a credible investigation, not only into main subject Adam Hasaballah, but also into the involvement of the state governor, the security apparatus, and other officials.

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