♦ This week’s news in brief ♦

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan’s highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan

A compact weekly digest of Dabanga Sudan's highlights of the news from Darfur and Sudan


♦ Militiamen torch mosque, intimidate returnees in North Darfur

December 4 – 2018 KUTUM Militiamen torched a mosque which people were building in a village in Kutum locality in North Darfur on Friday, in disapproval against the return of displaced people. The mosque in Labous village was being constructed by a group of people, including some displaced people from Kassab and Fata Borno camps.

One of the camp leaders told Radio Dabanga: “The returnees began to build a mosque in the village in preparation for the return, but on Friday, a number of militiamen burned it down, announcing their disapproval of the return of displaced people to the village.” Other displaced people were prevented by militiamen from returning to Nangido village, north of the Fata Borno camp, on Saturday.

El Tayeb Kafwat, the Member of Parliament who represents Kutum and Fata Borno localities in Sudan’s National Assembly, has confirmed the events. He said: “The talk from the government about voluntary return is contrary to the reality in the areas destined for voluntary return in North Darfur.”

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♦ Mamabolo: 'Fresh waves of displacement in Darfur as Unamid withdraws'

December 2 – 2018 KHARTOUM The Unamid Joint Special Representative, Jeremiah Mamabolo, told a press briefing on the status of the Unamid drawdown and exit strategy in Khartoum that while security has improved in most parts of Darfur, the region still witnesses “fresh waves of displacement”. “Given the improved security in most parts of Darfur, civilians are reportedly returning gradually to their homes after years of displacement.

“Approximately 16,000 people have been displaced into various camps and settlements in various localities in Jebel Marra in both South and Central Darfur, which represents an increase of 4,000 people since September 2018,” Mamabolo said this week. “With regard to the peacekeeping operations in the Jebel Marra area, Unamid has significantly reconfigured its military component […] to remain with a strength of 4,050 military personnel by end of June 2019”.

Mamabolo also renewed his call to “the holdout movements including the Sudan Liberation Movement Abdelwahid (SLM-AW) to come to the negotiations table”. Sudan’s main holdout rebel movements, the SLM-AW excluded, have announced to sign a pre-negotiation deal in Germany this week.


More news from Radio Dabanga:

December 4 – 2018 KULBUS Herders shot and killed four people and wounded another in Kulbus locality in West Darfur, on Sunday…

December 2 – 2018 KHARTOUM The Unamid Joint Special Representative, Jeremiah Mamabolo, told a press briefing on the status…

December 2 – 2018 PARIS / KHARTOUM The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudan Liberation Movement – Minni Minawi…

December 2 – 2018 KASS Three farmers are in serious condition after a confrontation with armed herders, allegedly intent on raping women…


November 30 – 2018 NYALA President Omar Al Bashir said that the war “would not be repeated as in Darfur” if his enemies want peace. He…


November 30 – 2018 KHARTOUM A number of Khartoum-based women’s and human rights organisations have launched the #WeAreMany…

November 30 – 2018 KHARTOUM Khartoum and other cities in Sudan continue to witness queues of cars in front of fuel stations, along with…

November 30 – 2018 OMDURMAN The Darfur Journalists Association has condemned the detention of one of their members, Omar Juma. He…

November 29 – 2018 PORT SUDAN Health sources have pointed to a rise of rates of chikungunya fever infections in eastern districts of…

November 29 – 2018 KHARTOUM Nazirs (chieftains) of the Rizeigat and Maaliya tribes signed a declaration of peaceful coexistence at…


This digest is an excerpt from the weekly Darfur & Sudan News Update. Subscribe here to receive the newsletter directly in your inbox

