Ten Darfur rebel factions united

Ten rebel factions agreed to participate in the Doha peace talks under a new name called Liberation and Justice Movement. The coalition includes four factions of the Addis Ababa road map group and 6 factions formerly known as the ‘revolutionary forces’ unified in Libya.

Ten rebel factions agreed to participate in the Doha peace talks under a new name called Liberation and Justice Movement. The coalition includes four factions of the Addis Ababa road map group and six factions formerly known as the ‘revolutionary forces’ unified in Libya.

The ten rebel factions chose El Tijani Sese as their new leader. The unified factions are: United Resistance Front, SLM mainstream, SLM Democratic and Democratic JEM,  formerly known as the road map group. The other six are movements are SLM Khamees Abdallah, SLM Unity, United Revolutionary Front, Reform and Development movement, SLM field leadership and the popular front for democracy and justice. The spokesperson of the new group told Radio Dabanga that they are going to participate in the peace talks.

