Teachers intimidated in Sudan’s Northern State

The Northern State Teachers’ Committee claims that the Department of Education in the Ed Debba administrative unit “threatens and intimidates teachers”.

A school in El Debba, Northern State (file photo)

The Northern State Teachers’ Committee claims that the Department of Education in the Ed Debba administrative unit “threatens and intimidates teachers”.

In a statement on Saturday, the committee said that the director of education in Ed Debba compelled teachers not to fill out a form of no confidence concerning the current trade union.

The committee demanded the director of education in Ed Debba stop such practices immediately or legal action will be taken against him. The committee appealed to all teachers to sign the no-confidence forms.

Former regime

The current trade unions are closely linked to the former regime.

Fearing the power of the trade unions and professional syndicates that spearheaded the popular uprisings of 1964 and 1985, Al Bashir dissolved the original Sudanese Workers’ Trade Union Federation (SWTUF) and all other trade unions after he came to power in a coup d’état on June 30, 1989.

In 1992, a re-organised and government-sponsored SWTUF was established. It remained the sole trade union federation in the country to date.


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