Sudanese refugee leaders won’t attend Doha peace forum

Sudanese refugee leaders have declined to attend a forum for civil society that will take place in Doha under the auspices of the mediators of the Darfur conflict. The sheiks of Abu Nabag Camp and Gaga Camp announced their decision after a meeting together. The head sheikh said no one will go there to participate. He said that their reason is that the war is ongoing in Darfur, other people have seized their lands, and neither the Sudan Liberation Army founder, nor the Justice and Equality Movement chairman are participating. If a peace deal is signed without them, they said, it will become like what happened to the Abuja Agreement signed in 2006.

Sudanese refugee leaders have declined to attend a forum for civil society that will take place in Doha under the auspices of the mediators of the Darfur conflict. The sheiks of Abu Nabag Camp and Gaga Camp announced their decision after a meeting together. The head sheikh said no one will go there to participate. He said that their reason is that the war is ongoing in Darfur, other people have seized their lands, and neither the Sudan Liberation Army founder, nor the Justice and Equality Movement chairman are participating. If a peace deal is signed without them, they said, it will become like what happened to the Abuja Agreement signed in 2006.

