Sudanese NISS trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards: dissident

A former employee of the Sudanese National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) has disclosed to Al Arabiya TV channel that Sudanese intelligence agents have been trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards. In an “exclusive interview” with Al Arabiya, broadcast on Sunday, Mubarak Ahmad El Bandeer said that members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have trained Sudanese intelligence agents in special training camps in Wadi Sayedna, north of Omdurman. El Bandeer also described a special NISS unit “for physical cleansings and assassinations”, headed by a brigadier named Abdelghaffar El Sharif. According to El Bandeer, the unit is directly linked to the headquarters of the ruling National Congress Party from which it receives orders, mainly from the Sudanese President’s Advisor, Nafie Ali Nafie, and the governor of Khartoum, Abdelrahman Khidir. El Bandeer explained to El Arabia in detail about his deflection from the NISS, his escape from a prison in Khartoum, and his flight abroad, after he had refused to follow instructions. He was accused by the NISS of refusing to go Abu Karshola in South Kordofan during battles between rebel groups and the Sudanese Armed Forces. On 27 September, the Sudanese government ordered the closure of Al Arabiya television’s office in Khartoum, hours after it had summoned the channel’s correspondent for questioning about their coverage of the Sudanese protests against removal on fuel subsidies and price hikes. File photo: Advisor to the Sudanese President, Nafie Ali Nafie (SudanTribune) Related: Sudan rebel attack on Abu Karshola ‘kills 30 SAF, downs chopper’ – Bashir fails to show (31 May 2013)

A former employee of the Sudanese National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) has disclosed to Al Arabiya TV channel that Sudanese intelligence agents have been trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

In an “exclusive interview” with Al Arabiya, broadcast on Sunday, Mubarak Ahmad El Bandeer said that members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have trained Sudanese intelligence agents in special training camps in Wadi Sayedna, north of Omdurman.

El Bandeer also described a special NISS unit “for physical cleansings and assassinations”, headed by a brigadier named Abdelghaffar El Sharif. According to El Bandeer, the unit is directly linked to the headquarters of the ruling National Congress Party from which it receives orders, mainly from the Sudanese President’s Advisor, Nafie Ali Nafie, and the governor of Khartoum, Abdelrahman Khidir.

El Bandeer explained to El Arabia in detail about his deflection from the NISS, his escape from a prison in Khartoum, and his flight abroad, after he had refused to follow instructions. He was accused by the NISS of refusing to go Abu Karshola in South Kordofan during battles between rebel groups and the Sudanese Armed Forces.

On 27 September, the Sudanese government ordered the closure of Al Arabiya television’s office in Khartoum, hours after it had summoned the channel’s correspondent for questioning about their coverage of the Sudanese protests against removal on fuel subsidies and price hikes.

File photo: Advisor to the Sudanese President, Nafie Ali Nafie (SudanTribune)

Related: Sudan rebel attack on Abu Karshola ‘kills 30 SAF, downs chopper’ – Bashir fails to show (31 May 2013) 


