Sudanese nationals assaulted in Yemen

A number of Sudanese living in Yemen have been attacked following the announcement of the Sudanese government on Thursday of its participation in the Saudi led military offensive on the Houthi rebels in the country.
Sudanese nationals in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, were insulted, beaten, and robbed of their mobile phones and money by Houthi militants, a relative of one of them told Radio Dabanga from Khartoum.

A number of Sudanese living in Yemen have been attacked following the announcement of the Sudanese government on Thursday of its participation in the military offensive, led by Saudi Arabia, on strongholds of Houthi rebels in the country.

Sudanese nationals in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, were insulted, beaten, and robbed of their mobile phones and money by Houthi militants, a relative of one of them told Radio Dabanga from Khartoum.

He stressed that the people went to Yemen “in search of a decent living”, and appealed “on behalf of the families of Sudanese living in Yemen,” to “all Yemeni parties not to assault the Sudanese, as they not responsible for the position of the National Congress Party”.

Ambassador Ali El Sadig, spokesman for the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told reporters in Khartoum on Friday that the situation does not require the evacuation of Sudanese from Yemen. He said that the people can resort to the embassy in Sanaa, in case they are threatened.

