Sudanese in Europe demand handover of Al Bashir to ICC

On Friday, hundreds of Sudanese living in west European countries gathered in The Hague in the Netherlands, demanding the handover of ousted President Omar Al Bashir and other leading members of the former Khartoum regime to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Representative of the Sudanese opposition in the Netherlands, Diaeldin Mubashar, told Radio Dabanga that the demonstration started at Malieveld park at noon, heading to the premises of the International Criminal Court, where they submitted a memorandum to the ICC prosecutor.

Sudanese march to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, demanding the trial of ousted President Omar Al Bashir, April 26, 2019 (AFP)

On Friday, hundreds of Sudanese living in west European countries gathered in The Hague in the Netherlands, demanding the handover of ousted President Omar Al Bashir and other leading members of the former Khartoum regime to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Representative of the Sudanese opposition in the Netherlands, Diaeldin Mubashar, told Radio Dabanga that the demonstration started at Malieveld park at noon, heading to the premises of the International Criminal Court, where they submitted a memorandum to the ICC prosecutor.

The protesters called for the arrest of “criminal figures of the former regime and to bring them to justice”, headed by Al Bashir, former Interior Minister, Defence Minister and Governor of Khartoum Abdelrahim Hussein, former Minister of State for Humanitarian Affairs, North Kordofan Governor, and Chairman of the National Congress Party, Ahmed Haroun, and former Janjaweed leader Ali Kushayb.

Fathi Ibrahim, another representative of the Sudanese opposition in the Netherlands, said that “The memorandum demanded the hand-over of all accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide to the ICC, in addition to the investigation of crimes committed since the protests started in December 2018”.

