HUDO: ‘Sudanese Forces arbitrarily detain civilians, including children, in Blue Nile state’

The Sudanese forces arrested four civilians, including children, on Monday in Geissan, Blue Nile State, and tortured and intimidated them, the Human Rights and Development Organisation (HUDO) writes today.


The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) held four traders, including children, in Geissan, Blue Nile state on Monday, and mistreated them, the Human Rights and Development Organisation (HUDO) reported today.

The detainees were released the following day under pressure from the public, but their belongings were confiscated. They arrived to the town of Geissan with their donkeys to sell baobab fruit at the market of Geissan. There, they were detained by Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) Lt Abubaker Tayalla, and taken to the town’s military base where they were tortured, HUDO states.

Youth from the Geissan resistance committees heard about the incident and reacted immediately by inquiring about the detainees. Military commander Mohamed El Daw replied that “those people came from an area of rebels that have no peace agreement with us”. The youth committee informed him that there is a standing order from the former state governor allowing them to come and transact in the market, but he refused to release them.

In response, activists demonstrated in front of the Geissan garrison gate to demand the release of the traders. The SAF eventually released them but confiscated their belongings, including their merchandise and money (around $200*).

In the statement, HUDO expressed its concerns about the situation of people in conflict areas and calls upon the Sudan government to hold the SAF to account for the illegitimate detention of civilians, mistreatment, and confiscation of personal belongings. They further demand the end of the State of Emergency in conflict areas which enables the detentions. 

* USD 1 = SDG 378 at the time of posting, according to the daily US Dollar rate quoted by the Central Bank of Sudan.

