Sudanese family appeal for son’s release

The family of Emad El Sadig, a student member of the National Umma Party, issued a press statement today calling for his immediate release from detention by the security apparatus.
The statement, signed by his sister Orwa El Sadig, points to the National Dialogue that was officially launched by President Omar Al Bashir on 10 October. During his opening speech he claimed that there are no political prisoners in detention in the country.

The family of Emad El Sadig, a student member of the National Umma Party, issued a press statement today calling for his immediate release from detention by the security apparatus.

The statement, signed by his brother Orwa, points to the National Dialogue that was officially launched by President Omar Al Bashir on 10 October. During his opening speech he claimed that there are no political prisoners in detention in the country.

The family reports that El Sadig was held by agents of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) in front of the NUP office in Omdurman on 14 December.

“The NISS refused to allow his lawyers to meet him, to understand why he has been detained, and to handle his case if any!

“Every day that passes with Emad in detention increases our concern and fears about his condition. The harsh treatment, torture, and violence used against detainees by NISS members is well-known from history.”

El Sadig’s relatives repeatedly requested permission to visit him. Their requests were rejected “under the pretext that the investigations were not completed yet.

“We call upon the competent authorities to allow us to visit our son Emad and check on his health. [We also] demand his immediate release or to be brought to a fair trial.”

The family further appealed to “all activists, human rights organisations, competent authorities, and the foreign missions [in Sudan] to put more pressure [on the NISS] to provide any news about Emad [..].”

In an earlier statement immediately following his detention, El Sadig’s family said that he was detained after a meeting with Anas El Badrabi, the security officer who oversaw the torture of him and his colleagues in a Khartoum prison in 2012.

