‘Sudanese bread crisis to be solved soon’: Bakers’ Union

On Sunday, the Sudanese Bakers’ Union announced that the ongoing bread shortage in Khartoum state will be solved soon, as seven ships loaded with imported flour have arrived in Port Sudan.
Adel Mirghani, Secretary-General of the Bakers’ Union told the press that each ship carries between 17,000 and 27,000 tons of flour.

On Sunday, the Sudanese Bakers’ Union announced that the ongoing bread shortage in Khartoum state will be solved soon, as seven ships loaded with imported flour have arrived in Port Sudan.

Adel Mirghani, Secretary-General of the Bakers’ Union told the press that each ship carries between 17,000 and 27,000 tons of flour.

The bakeries in Khartoum state and a number of other Sudanese states are experiencing a shortage of flour, after the Sudanese milling companies reduced the daily flour quotas in March.

The director of the Flour Distribution Chamber said that the time that the wheat shortfall at the Sayga Flour Company reached 75 percent. Production by the Seen Flour Mills had decreased by 50 percent.

The Sudanese government annually spends more than $2 billion on the import of wheat. The shortage has been attributed to scarce foreign currency needed to import the basic commodity.

