Shopkeeper killed in Darfur, girl raped in Nuba Mountains

An armed robbery in Central Darfur has led to the death of a shopkeeper. In South Kordofan, a 13-year-old girl was raped in the presence of her mother.
Shopkeeper Izzeldin Adam was killed in the area of Kolgi, north of Karsala in Central Darfur on Thursday.

A farmer in Darfur (RD)

An armed robbery in Central Darfur has led to the death of a shopkeeper. In South Kordofan, a 13-year-old girl was raped in the presence of her mother.  

Shopkeeper Izzeldin Adam was killed in the area of Kolgi, north of Karsala in Central Darfur on Thursday.

A listener told Radio Dabanga that armed robbers stormed the shop. When Adam protested, they shot him dead and fled, taking all mobile phones and foodstuffs from the shop.

In South Darfur, four people living in Beleil camp for the displaced, were attacked on Wednesday. Gunmen riding on camels intercepted the three displaced men and a woman near Marla, about 30 kilometres from the state capital Nyala, beat them and robbed them of their belongings.


The Sudanese Human Rights and Development Organisation (HUDO) reported yesterday that a girl (13) was raped at a farm seven kilometres east of Um Barambita in Rashad locality, South Kordofan, on November 8.

The victim was helping her mother (47) harvesting sesame, when they were attacked by three armed men. They beat up the mother, after which two of the gunmen pointed their guns to the mother’s head while the third man undressed the daughter and raped her. Thereafter, the three gunmen disappeared, HUDO stated.

Farmers in the vicinity helped the mother transport her daughter to the hospital of Um Barambita. The case was reported to the police of Um Barambita, but no move was made to investigate the case.

When the victim showed symptoms of urine retention, she was taken to the hospital of El Rahad in West Kordofan, about 85 kilometres from Um Barambita.



