Sudan uprising: Public marches across Sudan, Darfur, White Nile

For the third consecutive week, thousands of Sudanese have continued their sit-in outside the army general headquarters in Khartoum and other cities in the country to demand full handover of power to civilian government, the arrest of former regime figures and corrupt officials and bringing them to trial.

A protest march in Zalingei this month

For the third consecutive week, thousands of Sudanese have continued their sit-in outside the army general headquarters in Khartoum and other cities in the country to demand full handover of power to civilian government, the arrest of former regime figures and corrupt officials and bringing them to trial.

The pro-freedom marches have been ongoing in Khartoum, El Fasher and Zalingei in Darfur, Tendelti in White Nile state, Wad Madani in El Gezira state who came yesterday on buses to the sit-in in front of the General Command of the army in Khartoum, El Obeid in North Kordofan, Port Sudan in the Red Sea state, El Gedaref, Sennar state, Senga and El Damazin in Blue Nile State witnessed huge sit-ins in front of army units in these towns in support of revolution and protection of their gains.

Yesterday, the crowds of El Gedaref also moved to Khartoum in support of the protesters in front of the General Command while the sit-in in El Gedaref continued in front of the Second Infantry in the town.

Blue Nile

Yesterday lawyers in Blue Nile state launched a large demonstration to the sit-in place in solidarity with the decisions of the Declaration of the Forces of Freedom and Change.

The participants raised banners confirming that the Sudanese Professionals Association represents them and others saying yes for trying the corrupt, the rule of law and trying the criminals.

A gathering of dramatists performed at the sit-in place in Ed Damazin, capital of Blue Nile state, two days ago.

Protesters told Radio Dabanga: “The events started on Tuesday and will continue on a daily basis in front of the sit-in place in order to make the public aware of the revolution, goals and demand”.

Port Sudan

Yesterday, workers of the Red Sea Ports Corporation in eastern Sudan, along with custom agents marched to the army headquarters in Port Sudan to support the sit-ins in the country.

Journalist El Amin Sinada reported that the protesters arrived at the sit-in place in Port Sudan where they were addressed by the representatives of the mobilised masses who explained their issues and their temporary work in the ports without being full-time, despite the fact that they are the real and active forces in the Sea Ports Corporation. They also expressed full support for the forces of Freedom and Change.

The workers have entered a four-day strike in support of the movement in the country.


On Tuesday, the residents of Zalingei in Central Darfur went out in a march through the city of before reaching the garrison of the army.

El Shafi Abdallah, one of the leaders of the camps for displaced people in Central Darfur, told Radio Dabanga that the demonstrators handed over a memorandum to the acting governor of the state calling for the implementation of the demands of the forces of freedom and change by handing over power to a civilian government, dissolving all organisations and bodies of empowerment, the arrest of all figures of the former regime, the immediate release of all prisoners of war and taking the perpetrators of the crimes in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile to justice.

South Darfur

In South Darfur, the displaced of Kass locality camps called on the transitional council to immediately hand over power to a civilian government, the hand- over of the perpetrators of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur, led by ousted President Al Bashir to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, and the release of all political detainees in political issues, the prisoners of war, dissolving the National Congress Party, arresting its leaders and dismantling its security and political apparatuses.

White Nile

On Wednesday morning, the residents of Tendelti locality in the White Nile state launched a mass march through the main streets of the town, raising the flag of Sudan and chanting slogans of the revolution.

They saluted the heroes of the December-April revolution and payed for the soul of the martyrs of the revolution, as well as praising the bias of the armed forces to the demands of the revolutionaries.

They handed over a memorandum to the locality headquarter of Tendelti and the locality security committee calling it to respond to the demands of the revolutionaries, resolve the drinking water problem and provide bread, flour and fuel.

North Darfur

On Wednesday, the lawyers of North Darfur staged a protest march and a peaceful march in front of the lawyers’ building in El Fasher grand market to the court complex.

The lawyers chanted and shouted slogans demanding the military council to hand over power to a civilian government and hold accountable the corrupt members of the former regime.

The slogans called for the independence of the judiciary, rule of law, speedy release of detainees and prisoners and dismantling of the former regime.

The lawyers also called for the recovery of the rights of those affected by Almawasir market in El Fasher.

The head of the Bar Association in the state, Muawiya Abusam, said that the protest march and the march that the lawyers are conducting today are in response to the continuous revolutionary movement throughout the country since April 6.

He added that it also comes in preparation for the major march, which will be conducted by the Sudanese Professionals Association in the state on Thursday at 1 pm.

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