Sudan uprising: Protest planned in Sudan capital today, El Gezira protests continue

Sudanese demonstrations demanding the immediate step-down of President Omar Al Bashir carried on in El Gezira state on Monday. Workers and civil society groups called upon Sudanese people to go out in demonstrations today.

Earlier street protest in Kassala in January this year (RD)

Sudanese demonstrations demanding the immediate step-down of President Omar Al Bashir carried on in El Gezira state on Monday. Workers and civil society groups called upon Sudanese people to go out in demonstrations today.

In El Gezira state to the south-east of Khartoum, the capital Wad Madani witnessed protests that demand the overthrowing of the regime in the districts Isheir, Tibein, Wad Azrag and Baanat. Eyewitnesses told Radio Dabanga that joint security forces confronted the demonstrations with tear gas, guns and plastic wires to disperse them.

The previous day demonstrators also took to the streets of Wad Madani, as well as El Managil, El Hasahisa, El Kameer and towns in the south of the state. Security forces besieged the students at El Gezira University who carried out a protest inside the university, calling for the fall of the regime. They prevented students from taking to the streets.

Demonstrations carried out by medical workers also took place on Sunday in Sennar, Kassala, and El Fasher. In Omdurman, security forces were deployed with unprecedented size along streets leading to Parliament in an attempt to block people from marching to the building to hand over a memorandum.

Sudanese Professionals Association

The professionals, including doctors and lawyers, who have unified under the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) jointly pledged with the Sudan Call (alliance of opposition parties and civil society groups), the Unionist Gathering and the National Consensus Forces (opposition parties) to continue the protests until their demands against President Al Bashir have been met.

“Our cause is sincere and we will not be grudging or slandering even if we demonstrate and march for years,” their statement read. They called upon people to join the masses in the planned protests today in Umbadda in Omdurman and EL Haj Yousef in Khartoum North.

Speaking for a number of civil society organisations joined under the recently established Comprehensive Change Forces (CCF), spokesman Majdi Hussein said that they have been facing the current regime for the last 30 years. “The position and line is to topple the regime and bring about a comprehensive change in the structure of the Sudanese state." The change requires the concerted efforts of all political forces, civil and civil activities on the interest of change.”

