Sudan Uprising: More protests against killing of teacher

Demonstrations took off in Khartoum on Monday in response to the Sudanese Professionals Association’s calls to join the protest against the regime of President Omar Al Bashir. Teachers in Sudanese states condemned the killing of teachers

Teachers protesting in Kassala on Monday (RD)

Demonstrations took off in Khartoum on Monday in response to the Sudanese Professionals Association’s calls to join the protest against the regime of President Omar Al Bashir. Teachers in Sudanese states condemned the killing of teachers.

A number of districts of the capital city witnessed marches and rallies that called for the step-down of President Al Bashir. The majority started at 11am.

Security forces, police and protesters chased each other in the streets, as youths had put up barricades in most of the streets which prevented the entry of vehicles of the security and police forces.

Witnesses reported that hundreds of demonstrators from El Azhari, El Salam and Mayo in southern Khartoum chanted slogans calling for the fall of the regime. The security forces answered with tear gas to disperse the crowds.

Yesterday, dozens of residents of Um Maliha in El Hasahisa went out in a demonstration to demand the overthrowing of the regime.

Teachers protest

In eastern Sudan’s Kassala state, teachers carried out a protest in front of the Kassala Courts Complex, to publicly condemn the killing of teacher Ahmed El Kheir.

El Kheir was beaten and reportedly tortured to death in detention by the security apparatus in Khashm El Girba. He had been detained against the backdrop of demonstrations on 31 January.

The police director in Kassala said the teacher felt sick during interrogation at the NISS detention centre. El Kheir’s brother told Sudanese media that they received his body with signs of torture.

The teachers raised banners with the inscription “All of us are Ahmed”, as well as pictures of the teacher.

Another protest was staged by teachers of the basic and secondary schools in front of the Ministry of Education in Kassala. Teachers at the scene told Radio Dabanga that after the demonstration, the crowd held silent for 50 minutes straight, in front of the Ministry of Education in Kassala.

In Khartoum, teachers of El Tahadi International School also held a vigil to condemn the death of Ahmed El Kheir.

Videos of El Kheir’s funeral posted on social media on Saturday sparked new calls to stand up to Al Bashir and his regime. The Sudanese government has been repressing anti-government demonstrations, which began almost two months ago, with use of live fire and tear gas against demonstrators, who have also been beaten, detained, and tortured.

