Sudan, Uganda renew ties

Sudan and Uganda have agreed on strengthening the cooperation between them on the security issues in the interests of the two countries. According to a report by Sudan’s state news agency, the final communiqué issued Thursday by the end of the visit of Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, indicated that the two Presidents have agreed on reactivation of the joint security committee and boosting the training and cooperation programs between the two countries in the military domain.

Sudan and Uganda have agreed on strengthening the cooperation between them on the security issues in the interests of the two countries.

According to a report by Sudan’s state news agency, the final communiqué issued Thursday by the end of the visit of Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, indicated that the two Presidents have agreed on reactivation of the joint security committee and boosting the training and cooperation programs between the two countries in the military domain.

By the end of their talks, the two Presidents directed the chairmen of the security and intelligence organs in the two countries to strengthen the cooperation and to coordinate efforts in the security fields, including resumption of the work of the joint security committee for surpassing the differences between the two sides in the security field.

The communiqué stated that the two sides have achieved important understandings on the joint efforts to combat terrorism, inter-border crimes and human trafficking.

It also indicated that the two Presidents tackled the risks resulting from the spread of small arms in the region and the means to combat this phenomenon.

According to the communiqué, the two Presidents have encouraged the concerned ministers in Sudan and Uganda to work toward the signing two Memos of Understanding in the fields of higher education, youth, and sports.

Sudan and Uganda agreed to speeding efforts to sign a Memo of Understanding between the Ministries of Interior of the two countries.

The two sides also agreed on establishing mechanisms for reactivating and enhancing the cooperation in the trade and investment fields and establishing a joint business council.

(Source: SUNA)

