Sudan TSC tells political parties to prepare for elections

Sudan’s Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) called on the political parties and forces in the country to prepare for the upcoming elections by engaging in a serious discussion about how to distribute voting districts, vote counting, and the preparation of a civil registry.

FFC leader Ahmed Rabee and Lt Gen Mohamed Hamdan ‘Hemeti’ Dagalo hold copies of the Constitutional Declaration during the signing ceremony in Khartoum, 2019 (SUNA)

Sudan’s Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) called on the political parties and forces in the country to prepare for the upcoming elections by engaging in a serious discussion about how to distribute voting districts, vote counting, and the preparation of a civil registry.

In a meeting chaired by TSC Chairman Lt Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan at the Republican Palace in Khartoum yesterday, the TSC assigned responsibility to a few members to initiate a discussion on the formation of a committee to form the Electoral Commission and the Constitution-writing Commission.

The formation of these two committees has been stipulated in the constitutional document and should happen soon as the transitional period has lasted for two years.

The Constitutional Document was signed in August 2019 by the then ruling Transitional Military Council and the opposition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC). The detailed document stipulates how Sudan will be governed in a ‘transitional period’ of three years and three months. At the end of this period, free and fair elections must be held.

Mohamed El Faki Suleiman, the official spokesman of the TSC, said in a press statement that the political parties and forces should invite their members to hold workshops on the upcoming elections.

