Sudan terrorism court sentences 22 to hang

On Wednesday, the terrorism court in Khartoum sentenced 22 members of the of the Djabo faction, a breakaways from Sudan’s Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Dabjo faction from South Sudan to death by hanging, and three more to life imprisonment.

On Wednesday, the terrorism court in Khartoum sentenced 22 members of the of the Dabjo faction, a breakaways from Sudan’s Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), from South Sudan to death by hanging, and three more to life imprisonment.

Lawyer Abdullah Mahjoub Daoud of their defence team told Radio Dabanga after the hearing on Wednesday that the 25 defendants are from South Sudan and were formerly members of JEM.

He added that the defendants had split from JEM and joined the Dabjo faction as signatories to the peace agreement and entered in the security arrangements.

He explained that the defendants entered Jadeed El Sail camp in El Fasher.

The defence lawyer explained that they will file an appeal against the verdict within the next week.

Prisoners of war

He explained that the defence has reservations about the trial because they are prisoners of war who must be treated according to the Geneva Convention on the rights of prisoners of war.

He pointed out that the defendants were sentenced in accordance with the procedures of terrorism courts under Articles 21, 50.51, 60.61, of the Criminal Code, Article 26 of the weapons and ammunition Act and Article 5.6 of the Anti-terrorism Act.

He said the defence appeal is based on the signing of the Doha Document by the Dabjo faction on which issued a presidential amnesty decree to pardon them. He explained that they adhere to this comprehensive amnesty because they are signatories to the Doha Document.

He stressed that the decision to pardon the accused and Dabjo faction is an irreversible presidential decision.

