Sudan security detain Darfuris arriving from Libya at Khartoum airport

The National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) launched an effort to segregate Darfuri arrivals at the Khartoum airport and arrest those considered suspicious. Security men made dozens of arrests at the airport.

The National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) launched an effort to segregate Darfuri arrivals at the Khartoum airport and arrest those considered suspicious. Security men made dozens of arrests at the airport.Sources at the Khartoum Airport said that men of Darfuri origin arriving from Libya were separated after arriving at airport gates. Security men separated Darfuris from non-Darfuris, inspecting passports. They allowed people from other states to leave the airport immediately while detaining those from Darfur.

Security forces made clear to the sources that they suspected elements of the Darfuri rebel movements to be among the passengers arriving in Khartoum. Most of those detained were from West Darfur. Sources also indicated that more returnees coming overland via Kufra may have been detained.

