Sudan’s states tighten Covid-19 measures

In addition to the measures against the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Sudan’s capital Khartoum – which has reported most infections and deaths since the outbreak, states and localities across Sudan are tightening measures as infection numbers climb.

In addition to the measures against the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Sudan’s capital Khartoum – which has reported most infections and deaths since the outbreak, states and localities across Sudan are tightening measures as infection numbers climb.

The resistance committees in the neighbourhoods of El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan have initiated a number of initiatives to confront the coronavirus pandemic in Bara, Um Rawaba, El Obeid and El Rahad.

Mohamed Ahmed, the official responsible for networking the initiatives in the state, told Radio Dabanga within the Hanabneho (We shall build it) civil society initiative that they have initiated a number of health projects that include providing support to isolation centres and families accompanying those in home quarantine due to coronavirus, as the subsidies include providing meals to patients and orphans, working in isolation and quarantine centres, in addition to providing catering materials, sterilisers, and detergents for families.

Ahmed also pointed to the establishment of additional quarantine centres in coordination with the youth of Bara and Um Rawaba, in addition to El Obeid and El Rahad centres, where work is now underway.

Merchants defy market ban

In North Kordofan, the authorities filed more than 30 complaints against a number of commercial shop owners who attempted to violate the decision to close the markets by opening their stores in the Grand Market of El Obeid before Eid El Fitir.

Adam Ahmed, director of the Market Development and Regulation Department of Sheikan locality, stressed that the opening of the commercial stores by their owners stores at the Grand Market of El Obeid is a non-compliance with government decisions aimed at maintaining the health condition again, threatening violators with legal procedures

The Ministry of Health of West Kordofan announced that the total number of suspected and confirmed cases of coronavirus in the state has reached 36 since the beginning of the pandemic, of which nine confirmed cases. Two died, two recovered and five cases receiving health care in isolation centres.

The Ministry announced the complete recovery of two coronavirus patients from En Nahud locality, and appealed to all people in all area of West Kordofan to follow the health instructions and take into account the measures taken to prevent the Corona outbreak in order to ensure their safety.

El Gedaref

In eastern Sudan, El Butana locality in El Gedaref ordered the closure of the El Sabagh (gold) Market to ward off the spread of the coronavirus, while the residents of the locality demanded the authorities to close all crossings with the neighbouring states and the gold markets until the pandemic is over.

The spokesman for the El Gedaref state government, Abdelwahab Ibrahim, reported that the number of suspected cases of coronavirus has risen to 187, expecting increased recovery rates during the coming period.

He appealed to the residents to adhere to all health directives and precautions and praised the role of popular initiatives in combatting the coronavirus pandemic.

Kassala curfew extended

The government of Kassala announced the extension of the curfew for two weeks, starting from Wednesday.

Yesterday, the Kassala Security Committee and the Coronavirus Control Committee decided in a joint meeting to extend the period of allowing shopping within the neighbourhoods only until 12 pm. The main markets in the state will remain closed except for wholesale stores.

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