Sudan’s Salvation Revolution ‘worst experience of authoritarian rule’

On the occasion of the 25th commemoration of the military coup, led by Col. Omar Al Bashir on 30 June 1989, Sudanese opposition leaders and activists described the period as the “worst experience of authoritarian rule in the history of contemporary Sudan”. “South Sudan seceded, and in Darfur, South Kordofan, and the Blue Nile civil wars broke out. Those areas witnessed horrrendous acts of murder, rape, looting, and huge displacement,” a politician who asked to remain anonymous, told Radio Dabanga on Monday. He stressed that the era of “Al Bashir’s Salvation regime” witnessed the country’s economic and financial collapse, the destruction of the public education and the civil service systems, and ethnic, tribal, and regional polarisation. “The regime has monopolised political power, the market, economic investment opportunities, and tailored the Sudanese laws to meet the interests of the ruling party and its affiliates.” Exactly 25 years ago on Monday, Col. Omar Hassan Al Bashir swept to power in Sudan at the head of a bloodless military coup. Launched by a group of Islamist military officers against then Prime Minister El Sadig El Mahdi, the coup was dubbed the “Salvation Revolution” by the new government and its supporters.File photo: Supporters of the new president, Omar Al Bashir, a week after the 1989 coup (AFP)

On the occasion of the 25th commemoration of the military coup, led by Col. Omar Al Bashir on 30 June 1989, Sudanese opposition leaders and activists described the period as the “worst experience of authoritarian rule in the history of contemporary Sudan”.

“South Sudan seceded, and in Darfur, South Kordofan, and the Blue Nile civil wars broke out. Those areas witnessed horrrendous acts of murder, rape, looting, and huge displacement,” a politician who asked to remain anonymous, told Radio Dabanga on Monday.

He stressed that the era of “Al Bashir’s Salvation regime” witnessed the country's economic and financial collapse, the destruction of the public education and the civil service systems, and ethnic, tribal, and regional polarisation.

“The regime has monopolised political power, the market, economic investment opportunities, and tailored the Sudanese laws to meet the interests of the ruling party and its affiliates.”

Exactly 25 years ago on Monday, Col. Omar Hassan Al Bashir swept to power in Sudan at the head of a bloodless military coup. Launched by a group of Islamist military officers against then Prime Minister El Sadig El Mahdi, the coup was dubbed the “Salvation Revolution” by the new government and its supporters.

