Sudan’s refugees unable to travel in Chad without permits

Sudanese refugees in camps in eastern Chad have complained about the difficulties in transport because their asylum cards and travel permits have not been extended.

Sudanese refugees in camps in eastern Chad have complained about the difficulties in transport because their asylum cards and travel permits have not been extended.

A refugee in one of the twelve camps informed Radio Dabanga that the Chadian authorities have not renewed asylum cards for Sudanese refugees, most of which expired about six months ago. They also have not extended travel permit cards, that have a duration of three months.

“The refugee committee of the Ministry of Interior has refused the renew the cards. This has lead to difficulties for refugees who travel within Chad to go to work, to the markets, or to meet with family,” he explained.

“The travel permits have been halted without any explanation of the motives behind the decision.”

The refugee called upon the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to intervene in the situation, and persuade Chad to renew the asylum cards for refugees and grant them new travel permits.

Darfuri refugees in eastern Chad categorically refuse to join the voluntary repatriation programme, saying the situation in most parts of Darfur is still extremely unsafe and insecure.

