Sudan’s rebels claim victory over govt. forces in Blue Nile

Combatants of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) reportedly defeated government forces in the Kilgo hills in Blue Nile state on Saturday morning.

Combatants of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) reportedly defeated government forces in the Kilgo hills in Blue Nile state on Saturday morning.

Arnu Ngutulu Lodi, the spokesman for the SPLM-N announced in a statement today that in a battle that lasted from 5-8 am, SPLM-N rebel fighters repulsed an attack on their stronghold in the Kilgo hills, 35 kilometres south of Ed Damazin, capital of Blue Nile state.

Five rebel troops were wounded.

“It was the 18th failed attempt by the National Congress Party regime to occupy Kilgo since 2015,” Lodi stated. “The invaders fled and left four dead behind.”

The rebel spokesman reported that “according to our sources, the defeated army and militia forces re-grouped in the area of Abu Garan in preparation for a new attack on Kilgo. The SPLM-N forces are on high alert, ready to defeat them again.”

He added that the government forces buried 24 troops who succumbed to their wounds in Ed Damazin. Three others were buried in Abu Zagouli and one in Hai El Hijra.

“This brings the total of fallen government troops to 32, while 13 wounded soldiers were admitted to the military hospital in the state capital,” Lodi concluded.

