Sudan’s public prosecution: ‘No impunity for perpetrators of violence’

Sudan’s Public Prosecution has confirmed that the suspected people responsible for the recent violence in South Darfur, South Kordofan, and Kassala will be brought to justice as soon as the investigations are concluded.

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Sudan’s Public Prosecution has confirmed that the people suspected to be responsible for the recent violence in South Darfur, South Kordofan, and Kassala will be brought to justice as soon as the investigations are concluded.

In a statement on Thursday, the public prosecution said that they have arrested a number of suspects in connection with the recent violent events. They also said that they formed three investigative committees for each state in question. The statement added that “there will be no impunity for those involved in the recent violence in South Darfur, Kassala and South Kordofan”.

The statement explained that “the culture of violence and unauthorised use of force are major threats to national security and thus it must be dealt with seriously”.

The Public Prosecution urged the Sudanese people to cooperate with authorities to maintain the security situation in the country. “People must implement the state’s decision regarding the disarmament policy,” the statement concluded.

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