Sudan’s PM Hamdok: Perpetrators of June 3 massacre will be held accountable

Hundreds of youth gathered in the main streets of Khartoum and in front of the army command on Saturday to commemorate the Khartoum sit-in massacre, and demand justice for the 127 demonstrators killed. PM Hamdok said that those responsible for the massacre will be held accountable.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok (SUNA)

Hundreds of youth gathered in the main streets of Khartoum and in front of the army command on Saturday to commemorate the Khartoum sit-in massacre, and demand justice for the 127 demonstrators killed. PM Hamdok said that those responsible for the massacre will be held accountable.

Last year, day 29 of the Ramadan month was on June 3, the day of the massacre at the sit-in in front of the army command in Khartoum. This year, Ramadan 29 (in the Hijri Calendar based on the moon cycle) was at May 23, last Saturday.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok stressed that it is “vital and necessary” to achieve justice and hold the perpetrators of the “sit-in crime” accountable.

Hamdok stressed in a speech on the occasion of Eid El Fitir that the demonstrators killed and wounded during the December revolution are “heroes who drew the road map to the future with their blood and sacrifices”.

“Our path towards freedom, peace and justice in Sudan is paved with the courage and unity of our people, who insisted on achieving the goals of the revolution to build a democratic state that focusses on development, whatever the sacrifices were,” he said.

The chairman of the Sovereign Council, Lt Gen Abdelfattah El Burhan, stated in his speech on the occasion of Eid that he adheres to the principles of the December Revolution with regard to freedom, peace and justice, both in word and in deed.

“The proper way in this transitional period is to move towards democracy, good governance and building a state where everybody enjoys equal rights.”

El Burhan reaffirmed his commitment to protect the revolution of the people and to fully implement in this transitional period everything that is required to achieve the aims of the revolution.

The Public Prosecution said in a statement that the independent committee that is investigating the violent dismantling of the sit-in in front of the army command on June 3, 2019, will make accusations against those responsible. The committee is still investigating, but it will publish its report within the time limits that were set.

The statement emphasised that the Attorney General has granted the independent committee Public Prosecution powers to investigate, identify and arrest people and to bring charges against them.

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