Sudan’s El Gedaref battered again by floods

Rains and floods that swept through the localities El Rahad, El Mafaza and El Faw in El Gedaref state have completely flooded ten villages and damaged 42 villages, farms and orchards.

The Bandigyo-Simsim road in El Gedaref became inaccessible on 20 September 2017 because of the flash floods and rainfall (RD)

Rains and floods that swept through the localities El Rahad, El Mafaza and El Faw in El Gedaref state have completely flooded ten villages and damaged 42 villages, farms and orchards.

The speaker of El Gedaref legislative council, Mohamed Abdallah El Mardi, said the losses have been estimated at SDG 300 billion, pointing out that most of the families are living in the open without shelter.

Residents said the blockade of El Mafaza – El Hawata road has not yet been cleared and caused a halt in the flow of goods, and ambulances and travel buses are unable to reach the affected villages. “The area between El Mafaza, El Hawata, El Dindir and El Gedaref has completely closed.”

Last week this station reported that flash floods washed away parts of El Mafaza – El Hawata road, isolating El Hawata village.


On Monday, a flood of the Blue Nile river reached a number of villages in Abu Hujar, Senga and El Suki localities in Sennar state. The flooding caused severe damage to a number of houses, horticultural and agricultural areas and properties.

Heavy rains over the past weeks have severely swollen the entire Nile river. On August 15, 22 school children and a hospital employee were drowned when a boat capsized and sank in the Nile at El Buheira locality in River Nile state. According to official statistics, rains and flash floods have left at least 61 others injured and displaced more than 8,900 families since July 23.

