Sudan’s Defence and Security Council adopts measures to address violence in Red Sea state, South Kordofan

At an emergency session in Khartoum on Monday to discuss “major and urgent regional and local security issues”, Sudan’s Defence and Security Council took a number of decisions, including sending military security reinforcements to maintain societal security in Red Sea state and South Kordofan, and intensification of internal security measures in the violence-affected areas.

Sudan’s Defence and Security Council met in Khartoum on Monday (SUNA)

At an emergency session in Khartoum on Monday to discuss “major and urgent regional and local security issues”, Sudan’s Defence and Security Council took a number of decisions, including sending military security reinforcements to maintain societal security in Red Sea state and South Kordofan, and intensification of internal security measures in the violence-affected areas.

The official Sudan News Agency (SUNA) reports that the council expressed regret over the recent incidents took place in Eastern Sudan and South Kordofan, and reviewed the reasons and motives behind the renewal of tribal conflict.

The council heard to a report by the Defence Minister, Maj. Gen. Yassin Ibrahim on the outcome of the UN Security Council session on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, and the practical options and steps to be taken by the country to preserve Sudan’s rights in this connection.

It renewed its “firm stance towards the major issues facing the country”.

