Sudan Revolutionary Front in Europe to ‘wake up’ international community

On the second day of its visit to Europe, the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) delegation, led by its chairperson Malik Agar, talked in Paris with representatives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the humanitarian, political and security situation in Sudan. The SRF delegation includes leaders of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, who operate in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, and of the major rebel groups in Darfur. All the rebel leaders say that they are fighting to end the dominance of Sudan’s rural regions by the Arab Khartoum elites, represented by President Omar Al Bashir’s National Congress Party. According to Agar, the SRF, a coalition of Sudanese main rebel movements and opposition parties, is visiting Europe to present their case. “It is a cry to the international community to wake up and help end these wars”. “The Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir is exploiting the world’s preoccupation with the wars in Syria and Mali, to continue to kill civilians through indiscriminate bombing and starvation.” The SRF delegation in its meetings in Paris stressed its position about a comprehensive solution for the conflicts in Sudan, rejecting any partial solution or peace agreement with a separate political or rebel group. Speaking to Radio Dabanga, Abdel Wahid El Nur, head of the Sudan Liberation Movement-AW and Co-Vice President of the SRF, described the talks as fruitful. The SRF delegation presented statistics on the continuation of “the forgotten genocide” by the regime in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile State. “The time has come to mobilise the international community in order to resist the regime of the National Congress Party”. “The crimes in Sudan are like Syria but worse,” he added, “genocide is happening in Darfur, but elsewhere violence has increased as has the media blackout. It’s no longer just Darfur but also central Sudan and the Blue Nile.” Wahid hopes that the talks in Paris have created “a common ground” and will be developed. El Tom Hajo of the Democratic Unionist Party and Co-Vice President of the SRF told Radio Dabanga that the purpose of the visit to Europe is to “enlighten the international and European community about what the continuing violations in all regions of Sudan, including the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, where security forces murdered a number of protesters in September”. File photo: SRF leaders, from the left, Jibril Ibrahim, Malik Agar, Abdel Wahid El Nur, Minni Minawi and Yasir Arman, 4 October 2012 (SRF) Related: Sudan Revolutionary Front delegation starts European tour (7 November 2013) Sudan rebel coalition SRF welcomes eastern faction (2 October 2013)

On the second day of its visit to Europe, the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) delegation, led by its chairperson Malik Agar, talked in Paris with representatives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the humanitarian, political and security situation in Sudan.

The SRF delegation includes leaders of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, who operate in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, and of the major rebel groups in Darfur. All the rebel leaders say that they are fighting to end the dominance of Sudan’s rural regions by the Arab Khartoum elites, represented by President Omar Al Bashir’s National Congress Party.

According to Agar, the SRF, a coalition of Sudanese main rebel movements and opposition parties, is visiting Europe to present their case. “It is a cry to the international community to wake up and help end these wars”. “The Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir is exploiting the world’s preoccupation with the wars in Syria and Mali, to continue to kill civilians through indiscriminate bombing and starvation.”

The SRF delegation in its meetings in Paris stressed its position about a comprehensive solution for the conflicts in Sudan, rejecting any partial solution or peace agreement with a separate political or rebel group.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, Abdel Wahid El Nur, head of the Sudan Liberation Movement-AW and Co-Vice President of the SRF, described the talks as fruitful. The SRF delegation presented statistics on the continuation of “the forgotten genocide” by the regime in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile State. “The time has come to mobilise the international community in order to resist the regime of the National Congress Party”.

“The crimes in Sudan are like Syria but worse,” he added, “genocide is happening in Darfur, but elsewhere violence has increased as has the media blackout. It’s no longer just Darfur but also central Sudan and the Blue Nile.” Wahid hopes that the talks in Paris have created “a common ground” and will be developed.

El Tom Hajo of the Democratic Unionist Party and Co-Vice President of the SRF told Radio Dabanga that the purpose of the visit to Europe is to “enlighten the international and European community about what the continuing violations in all regions of Sudan, including the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, where security forces murdered a number of protesters in September”.

File photo: SRF leaders, from the left, Jibril Ibrahim, Malik Agar, Abdel Wahid El Nur, Minni Minawi and Yasir Arman, 4 October 2012 (SRF)


Sudan Revolutionary Front delegation starts European tour (7 November 2013)

Sudan rebel coalition SRF welcomes eastern faction (2 October 2013)


