Sudan opposition members charged after anti-election protest

Two politicians from the opposition, detained in White Nile state during the Leave! campaign in April, face charges, while cases of other affiliates have been postponed.

The Khartoum Criminal Court raised charges against two politicians from the opposition, arrested in White Nile state during a large anti-election campaign this year.

Mohamed Yousif El Bokh and Omar El Faki, two affiliates of the Sudanese Congress Party, were charged on Wednesday with undermining the constitutional order and calling for opposing the Sudanese regime by force.

The court has acquitted Ahmed El Tayeb for lack of evidence in his case, and ordered his release. All three were supporting the Leave! campaign in El Duweim, White Nile state, at the time of their arrest.

The trial of Esam El Din Khidir has been delayed by the court in Atbara in River Nile state. Besides the trial of the head of the Sudanese Congress Party, those of two members of the Baath party (Adel El Sheikh and Abdoun Saeed Abdoun) and of a political activist (Suad El Dabi) were also postponed, to Monday 25 May.

According to opposition parties and lawyers of the Darfur Bar Association, the general election held in Sudan between 13 and 16 April was marked by widespread fraud. The USA,UK, and Norway (the members of the ‘Sudan Troika') announced that they do not consider the Sudanese election to be a reflection of the will of the people.

