Sudan govt. to provide relief to East Darfur displaced

The Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission on Monday presented a report to the parliament about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Adila and Abu Karinka localities in East Darfur. Displaced from East Darfur are seeking refuge in North Darfur. MP Hamdan Abdallah Teirab told Radio Dabanga that the humanitarian situation in the two localities has worsened owing to tribal conflicts in the areas of Adila and Ed Daein. “The tribal clashes have led to the displacement of about 20,000 people.” The MP said that the parliament discussed the insecurity and the ensuing deteriorating humanitarian situation in the presence of the Minister of Social Welfare. “The report dealt with the food gap and the price hikes in the state, listing all the obstacles for peace and security in East Darfur.” “A committee was formed to provide aid. The members will travel next week to East Darfur, together with a convoy of lorries loaded with food stuffs.” Doubts Teirab accused the East Darfur State authorities of hindering the provision of relief items by the World Food Programme and Unicef to the people affected. He said that security service officials justified their decisions on this issue by pointing to their “doubts about the objectives of some humanitarian organisations”. North Darfur According to information from humanitarian organisations on the ground, an estimated 2,000 people from Adila, Abu Karinka, Um Ridim, El Luri and Alliet Abu Hibiylat in East Darfur, have arrived in Ailliet locality, North Darfur.The people were forced to flee the violence between multiple militia groups, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported in its latest weekly bulletin. An inter-agency mission will be conducted shortly to assess their needs. Map: Part of OCHA map on displacements in Darfur, 20 July 2014 (shaded: intermittent or no access in the past year) Related: Rizeigat attack Ma’aliya in Abu Karinka, East Darfur (10 July 2014)Rizeigat, Ma’aliya clash in Abu Karinka, East Darfur (6 July 2014) New Ma’aliya-Rizeigat clashes in East Darfur (18 June 2014)

The Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission on Monday presented a report to the parliament about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Adila and Abu Karinka localities in East Darfur. Displaced from East Darfur are seeking refuge in North Darfur.

MP Hamdan Abdallah Teirab told Radio Dabanga that the humanitarian situation in the two localities has worsened owing to tribal conflicts in the areas of Adila and Ed Daein. “The tribal clashes have led to the displacement of about 20,000 people.”

The MP said that the parliament discussed the insecurity and the ensuing deteriorating humanitarian situation in the presence of the Minister of Social Welfare. “The report dealt with the food gap and the price hikes in the state, listing all the obstacles for peace and security in East Darfur.”

“A committee was formed to provide aid. The members will travel next week to East Darfur, together with a convoy of lorries loaded with food stuffs.”


Teirab accused the East Darfur State authorities of hindering the provision of relief items by the World Food Programme and Unicef to the people affected. He said that security service officials justified their decisions on this issue by pointing to their “doubts about the objectives of some humanitarian organisations”.

North Darfur

According to information from humanitarian organisations on the ground, an estimated 2,000 people from Adila, Abu Karinka, Um Ridim, El Luri and Alliet Abu Hibiylat in East Darfur, have arrived in Ailliet locality, North Darfur.

The people were forced to flee the violence between multiple militia groups, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported in its latest weekly bulletin.

An inter-agency mission will be conducted shortly to assess their needs.

Map: Part of OCHA map on displacements in Darfur, 20 July 2014 (shaded: intermittent or no access in the past year)


Rizeigat attack Ma’aliya in Abu Karinka, East Darfur (10 July 2014)

Rizeigat, Ma’aliya clash in Abu Karinka, East Darfur (6 July 2014)

New Ma’aliya-Rizeigat clashes in East Darfur (18 June 2014)

