Sudan: First conjoined twins separation imminent

A conjoined twins has been delivered in Sudan, in the neonatal hospital in El Fasher, North Darfur. Preparations for the twins’ separation are underway, a surgery that has never been done before in Sudan.

A conjoined twins has been delivered in Sudan, in the neonatal hospital in El Fasher, North Darfur. Preparations for the twins' separation are underway, a surgery that has never been done before in Sudan.

The mother gave birth naturally in the hospital's delivery room on Tuesday. The baby, a boy, has a premature growth of a stomach, chest and legs in his chest. The delivery lasted a normal amount of time, according to the State Health Minister Mohamed Awadallah Banaga.

Banaga announced the birth of the twins later this week. “This is the first case of its kind in Sudan for a twins to be joined at the abdomen and chest, with no front parts,” he stated.

“The neonatal hospital has been in contact with a number of actors to adopt the separation operation for the twins.”

But Father El Mur Mohamed Nasser, who works for the Sudanese riot police, has complained of the lack of care for his child. He said that the Health Minister has visited him and promised to help with the operation of separating the twins, but nothing has happened so far.

He appealed to the authorities to help him save the life of his child.

Photo below: Father El Mur Mohamed Nasser (RD)


