Sudan doctors: Two dead, 96 injured in Sunday marches

Sudanese doctors have confirmed the death of 16-year-old, El Maasoum Hashem, who died from a brain hemorrhage as a result of being hit by a tear gas canister during the March of the Millions on Sunday. Hashem’s death follows the recent news of the death of 26-year-old Ali Hubeldin, who also succumbed to injuries sustained from a tear gas canister.

Protestors engulfed in tear gas during Sunday's marches in Khartoum (File photo: RD)

Sudanese doctors have confirmed the death of 16-year-old, El Maasoum Hashem, who died from a brain hemorrhage as a result of being hit by a tear gas canister during the March of the Millions on Sunday. Hashem’s death follows the recent news of the death of 26-year-old Ali Hubeldin, who also succumbed to injuries sustained from a tear gas canister.

The death toll the military coup d’état of October 25 now stands at 63 demonstrators, following the deaths of Hashem and Hubeldin in Sunday’s March of Millions.

Monday’s announcement from the Central Committee of Sudan Doctors reported that 96 demonstrators were injured: including one case of a person being shot with live bullets in the leg, along with nine cases of head injuries caused by tear gas canisters and seven cases of injuries sustained by stun grenades.

In a statement, the police announced their version of events asserting that, a civilian died in Khartoum North and eight people were injured during the demonstrations.

They also added in their statement that 22 policemen were injured and had four of their vehicles destroyed during the Sunday demonstrations in Khartoum. In their statement, they said that 86 protestors were arrested and took the necessary legal measures against them in the jurisdictions.

The police statement appealed to the local security committees to sit with protest leaders to coordinate and determine routes of procession, as to ensure the safety of participants and protection of private and public property.

