Sudan: Blue Nile medical strike persists

The medical strike at El Roseiris and Ed Damazin hospitals in Sudan’s Blue Nile state continued for the sixth day because of an attack on the doctors of Ed Damazin Royal Hospital, allegedly by members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia.

The medical strike at El Roseiris and Ed Damazin hospitals in Sudan’s Blue Nile state continued for the sixth day because of an attack on the doctors of Ed Damazin Royal Hospital, allegedly by members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia.

Abdelaziz Suuriba of the leadership of the Alliance for Freedom and Change in Ed Damazin told Radio Dabanga on Monday: “The strike of doctors and other medical staff at Ed Damazin and El Roseiris hospitals is continuing”.

He added that the doctors lifted the strike in the health insurance centres because of the large pressure on the field clinic at the sit-in in the town.

The doctors conditioned lifting the strike with meeting their demands of provision of protection to the doctors, hospitals and health centres and bringing the perpetrators to justice.

Medical staff of the hospitals and centres of health insurance in Ed Damazin and El Roseiris entered a strike from work because of the assault of elements of the RSF government militia on doctors in Ed Damazin hospital a week ago, where the perpetrators were reportedly identified by monitoring their names on the entry register to the hospital.

The doctors at the Bahri Government Hospital in Khartoum North have been involved in a comprehensive strike in all parts of the hospital for days in protest against low wages and late payment of dues.

Witnesses said general doctors, specialists, and nurses were on strike.

The source pointed out that the demands of strikers were the need to improve wages and the payment of financial arrears.

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