Sudan army reformists demand dissolution of militias

Reformists among the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) hold the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) responsible for the attacks carried out by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on civilians in Darfur and South Kordofan. In a statement issued today, the reformist movement within the SAF affirmed that the RSF militias have committed widespread crimes in a number of conflict areas in Darfur and South Kordofan. “The criticism by Ahmed Haroun, the Governor of North Kordofan, of the militias’ atrocities is sufficient proof for what we repeatedly told the political leadership of Sudan.”  “The combat missions of those RSF militia troops are entirely subject to the leadership of the NISS, administratively and financially. They are trained, armed, and commanded in the field by the NISS. They are not related, by any means, with the regular army forces,” the statement stressed. The reformists stress their utter rejection of the involvement of paramilitary forces in political conflicts. “Some want to settle these political conflicts through the formation of militias, outside the scope of the armed forces, in order to achieve political gains.” In the statement, the reformists referred to a previous meeting with the NISS leadership. “We, as officers of the regular armed forces, refused to involve militias in operations against rebel movements. The NISS thereupon appointed security officers as field commanders of the RSF, not related in any way to our army troops. What happened was that these paramilitary forces were defeated in every single battle with rebel fighters.” “The RSF troops lack military training. They do not have enough qualifications to be incorporated in the Sudan Armed Forces. It is not true at all that the RSF have succeeded in stopping the advance of rebel forces, as the commander of those forces said, in spite of the heavy armament, and billions are spent on preparing those militias – while SAF troops are trying to keep their dignity when searching for extra income to their meagre salaries.” The reformists called in their statement for the dissolution of all militia groups. “According to the Constitution, the recruitment of militia troops is illegal. Combat missions are tasks to be entrusted to the armed forces”. “The use of militias negatively affects the performance of the armed forces, and their role in protecting the security of the country.” File photo: SAF troops

Reformists among the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) hold the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) responsible for the attacks carried out by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on civilians in Darfur and South Kordofan.

In a statement issued today, the reformist movement within the SAF affirmed that the RSF militias have committed widespread crimes in a number of conflict areas in Darfur and South Kordofan. “The criticism by Ahmed Haroun, the Governor of North Kordofan, of the militias’ atrocities is sufficient proof for what we repeatedly told the political leadership of Sudan.”

 “The combat missions of those RSF militia troops are entirely subject to the leadership of the NISS, administratively and financially. They are trained, armed, and commanded in the field by the NISS. They are not related, by any means, with the regular army forces,” the statement stressed.

The reformists stress their utter rejection of the involvement of paramilitary forces in political conflicts. “Some want to settle these political conflicts through the formation of militias, outside the scope of the armed forces, in order to achieve political gains.”

In the statement, the reformists referred to a previous meeting with the NISS leadership. “We, as officers of the regular armed forces, refused to involve militias in operations against rebel movements. The NISS thereupon appointed security officers as field commanders of the RSF, not related in any way to our army troops. What happened was that these paramilitary forces were defeated in every single battle with rebel fighters.”

“The RSF troops lack military training. They do not have enough qualifications to be incorporated in the Sudan Armed Forces. It is not true at all that the RSF have succeeded in stopping the advance of rebel forces, as the commander of those forces said, in spite of the heavy armament, and billions are spent on preparing those militias – while SAF troops are trying to keep their dignity when searching for extra income to their meagre salaries.”

The reformists called in their statement for the dissolution of all militia groups. “According to the Constitution, the recruitment of militia troops is illegal. Combat missions are tasks to be entrusted to the armed forces”.

“The use of militias negatively affects the performance of the armed forces, and their role in protecting the security of the country.”

File photo: SAF troops

