Student wounded in North Darfur armed robberies

On Wednesday, a student was shot in Kutum in North Darfur. Two commercial vehicles were hijacked in two separate incidents in Kutum locality.
“Two men wearing military uniforms and riding a motorcycle intercepted two secondary school students and robbed them of their mobile phones in the Karkawiya district in eastern Kutum on Wednesday evening,” a listener reported to Radio Dabanga.
“When the students refused to hand them their mobile phones, the attackers shot them. El Amin Hodei was seriously injured in his thigh, and had to be taken to Kutum Hospital,” he said.

On Wednesday, a student was shot in Kutum in North Darfur. Two commercial vehicles were hijacked in two separate incidents in Kutum locality.

“Two men wearing military uniforms and riding a motorcycle intercepted two secondary school students and robbed them of their mobile phones in the Karkawiya district in eastern Kutum on Wednesday evening,” a listener reported to Radio Dabanga.

“When the students refused to hand them their mobile phones, the attackers shot them. El Amin Hodei was seriously injured in his thigh, and had to be taken to Kutum Hospital,” he said.

Mohamed Digeish, Independent MP for Um Baru, Karnoi, and El Tina localities in North Darfur, told Radio Dabanga that a group of militiamen attacked two lorries in the area of Rahad El Jineid.

“Militiamen driving seven Land Cruisers intercepted a lorry en route from El Fasher to Arouri,”he reported. “They ordered the passengers to disembark, and robbed them of their money, mobile phones, and four sheep. The value of the stolen items has been estimated at more than SDG 300,000 ($46,300), including the cash amount of SDG 130,000 stolen from Ismail Imam.”

The MP added that the militiamen took the vehicle with its load to Zeleita in the area of Damrat El Gubba.

Another commercial vehicle, coming from El Tina, was hijacked by the same militiamen. It was on its way to El Fasher, capital of North Darfur. Digeish said that also this vehicle can be found in Zeleita.

