Strike after woman beaten in South Darfur hospital

An employee of a hospital in Central Darfur was beaten by a militiaman on Sunday, prompting her co-workers to enter into a general strike the next day.

An employee of a hospital in Central Darfur was beaten by a militiaman on Sunday, prompting her co-workers to enter into a general strike the next day.

The militia member severely beat the hospital worker in the hospital of Garsila on Sunday. The assault sparked her colleagues to stop working in protest of the violence, a visitor in the hospital told Radio Dabanga.

In October 2016, cases of abuse of medical personnel spiked a nationwide strike of doctors in hospitals throughout Sudan. They demanded the improvement of the working environment, provision of aides, and protection of hospital employees during their work.

Farmer wounded

On Monday morning, farmer Dalil Ibrahim was wounded in a shooting by a herder at Um Gantoura area in South Darfur. Other farmers told Radio Dabanga yesterday that the shooting took place 10 km east of Gireida, when a farmer tried to force livestock out of his farm. An armed herder shot him.

A farmer said that Dalil was taken in a serious condition to Nyala Hospital after filing the incident to the police in Gireida.

