Storm in El Salam South Darfur

On Sunday in Darma-area south of El Salam camp lightning and thunderstorm injured five people, including a 4-years old child.

On Sunday in Darma-area south of El Salam camp lightning and thunderstorm injured five people, including a 4-years old child. A horse was killed. The roofs of at least 40 houses were damaged due to a strong wind.

Mahjoub Tabeldiya told Radio Dabanga that the area was hit by heavy rains and storm. has experienced heavy rains accompanied by strong winds which led to the collapse of roofs and uprooted more than 40 houses along with the injuring a 4 year old girl named Magda Abdel Gadir losing speech and hearing due to the thunder strike. Also Azza Mohammed Mousa, Suleiman El Dai and Mahassin Tibin Ismail were injured.

