State of Emergency in West Kordofan’s El Meiram paralyses trade

The imposition of the State of Emergency in West Kordofan’s El Meiram on Monday has led to a marked increase in commodity prices.
“Not only the curfew and the closure of the road between West Kordofan and South Sudan are hampering the trade, but also the new measures that prohibit any commercial vehicle to deliver its load, unless the owner of the vehicle presents a sealed permit from the authorities where the goods have been loaded,” a trader told Radio Dabanga from El Meiram.

The imposition of the State of Emergency in West Kordofan’s El Meiram on Monday has led to a marked increase in commodity prices.

“Not only the curfew and the closure of the road between West Kordofan and South Sudan are hampering the trade, but also the new measures that prohibit any commercial vehicle to deliver its load, unless the owner of the vehicle presents a sealed permit from the authorities where the goods have been loaded,” a trader told Radio Dabanga from El Meiram.

“The new security measures are paralysing commercial life in the area,” he said. “And because of the scarcity of commodities, the prices in El Meiram are skyrocketing.”

The State of Emergency was imposed after the killing of a South Sudanese official on Friday. The authorities fear that the murder of the man, who was allegedly sending supplies to the fighters loyal to the South Sudanese opposition leader Riek Machar, may lead to fighting in the area.

A large force of paramilitary Rapid Support Forces was sent to the area on Monday to contain the situation.

Other regulations under the State of Emergency include a ban on motorcycles and carrying weapons within the town’s market. The trader reported that since Monday, 22 motorcycles were confiscated in El Meiram.

