State announces 800 jobs for graduates in East Darfur

The Director General of the state of East Darfur, Mohamed Ibrahim Saeed, says his state has created 800 jobs for the graduates in the region, of which 600 for education, and the remainder for finance and other ministries and institutions in the government.

The Director General of the state of East Darfur, Mohamed Ibrahim Saeed, says his state has created 800 jobs for the graduates in the region, of which 600 for education, and the remainder for finance and other ministries and institutions in the government.

Minister Saeed told the Sudanese state news agency (SUNA) that of the 600 jobs, 150 go to the secondary stage, 450 for basic education, beside 55 jobs for the health sector,50 for the finance sector and 95 other jobs in the other Ministries, the Secretariat of the Government, and the Legislative Council.

Saeed said interviews for joining the education section started on 9 September and continue up to the 29 September. The interviews and applications for other jobs will be announced later on through the national selection board in Khartoum.

He said these jobs will help fill the gap in the shortage in the education section in particular and would also provide working force for other government units in the state.

