SPLM-North opposes signing peace deal at Doha Conference

The Secretary-General of the northern wing of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, Yasser Arman, warned against using the Darfur Civil Society conference as a way of ending negotiations between the belligerents, the Sudan Government and the Darfuri armed movements.

The Secretary-General of the northern wing of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, Yasser Arman, warned against using the Darfur Civil Society conference as a way of ending negotiations between the belligerents, the Sudan Government and the Darfuri armed movements. Arman discouraged ‘the imposition of solutions from one side only or a repetition of the Kenena Forum or Abuja Agreement.’

The SPLM figure, who had declined to attend the conference, in a statement called for focusing on what could lead to comprehensive peace and staying away from carrying out unilateral procedures such as the referendum on the administrative status of Darfur and addition of new state governments within the region before ending the war or reconciling or lifting the state of emergency.

He also expressed his hope that the Doha conference would create a positive atmosphere which would open a way for a complete and comprehensive dialogue and negotiation.

