SPLM-N says it killed troops when repulsing army in Blue Nile

Among the dead in the battle in Kulgu area on Thursday are reportedly two SAF captains. The rebel SPLM-N continues to repulse attacking government forces.

The rebel fighters of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North have announced the death of eleven government troops in Kulgu area in Blue Nile state on Thursday. Among the dead are reportedly two captains. The rebel group continues to repulse attacking government forces, according to its own reports.

The SPLM-N released a press statement, claiming the successful repulsion of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) in Kulgu, 45 km west of Ed Damazin. The rebels destroyed four vehicles mounted with Dushka machine guns, the statement said, and seized ten Kalashnikov rifles, along with a number of rocket-propelled grenades and a quantity of ammunition.

The SAF engaged on the SPLM-N in the mountains of Kulgu at about 6 am, but the rebels managed to halt their attack and repulse them, the statement read. The battle lasted for six hours and resulted in eleven dead on the side of the government, including two captains.

'One of the captains was named Sayfeldin Karomano Ahmed. One of the killed soldiers' names was Shamseldin Saeed Muhamad.'

In the statement, the SPLM-N noted that this attack is the third of its kind this month. The rebel group claimed to have repulsed similar attacks by the SAF from 7 to 10 May and in April.

