Soldiers, locals ambushed: Four dead in North Darfur

Militiamen killed four people and injured three in an ambush on a rescue team consisting of soldiers, policemen and civilians in Korma in El Fasher locality on Thursday.

Militiamen killed four people and injured three in an ambush on a rescue team consisting of soldiers, policemen and civilians in Korma in El Fasher locality on Thursday.

A member of the team told Radio Dabanga that they were ambushed in Jebel Mala, south of Korma. The soldiers, Popular Defence Forces and policemen were tracking down a group of armed men who stole about 200 sheep from Tawila. Civilians joined the rescue team.

“Militiamen, driving four Land Cruisers, ambushed us and shot two policemen, who were killed on the spot. A member of the PDF and a local, named Mohamed Hussein Abdelrazek, were also killed,” the eyewitness said.

Reportedly none of the attackers sustained injuries.

Among the wounded are an army and a police lieutenant, two women and one man. The attackers seized a vehicle of the police and a second vehicle of one of the civilians, in addition to several motorcycles the rescue team was using.

On Friday police in El Fasher deployed a unit of 21 vehicles to chase the perpetrators, the witness said.

