‘Militiamen’ gang-rape two Darfur girls

Two girls were gang-raped, allegedly by government troops, as they returned home from working their farm in Deleig locality, Central Darfur.

Women return home after farming in South Darfur (File photo: Albert González Farran / Unamid)

Two girls were gang-raped, allegedly by government militiamen, as they returned home from working their farm in Deleig locality, Central Darfur.

A relative of the two girls told Radio Dabanga that five armed militiamen of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) intercepted a group of women as they returned from their farms in the area of Arwatallah, south of Deleig.

He explained that the gunmen beat the women and gang-raped the two girls aged 14 and 16.

He reported that a rescue team found the girls in the area of the incident and took them to Deleig Hospital, while the villagers filed a complaint at Deleig police station.

The relative insists that the rapists belong to the the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), who have been deployed with the joint forces composed of the army, militia, Central Reserve Police, and the police, all of which were deployed to the locality in order to secure it.

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