Sit-ins spread in Sudan

New sit-ins demanding security, rights, freedoms, justice and better living conditions have spread in the western and eastern parts of Sudan the last couple of days.

Two women at the first day of the Ed Daein sit-in in Central Darfur (Social media)

New sit-ins demanding security, rights, freedoms, justice and better living conditions have spread in the western and eastern parts of Sudan the last couple of days.

New sit-ins have been organised in Ed Daein and Bahr El Arab in East Darfur, Misterei in West Darfur, El Hawata in El Gedaref, and in Kassala.

The protest vigil in Kabkabiya, North Darfur, continued for the fifth day. The demonstrators demand security, protection of the agricultural season and the dismissal of officials affiliated with the former regime. Yesterday, people from various neighbourhoods of Kabkabiya marched to the sit-in in support of these demands. A large solidarity convoy arrived from El Sareif Beni Hussein in neighbouring El Sareif locality.

A representative of El Sareif Beni Hussein Resistance Committees addressed the sit-in, asserting their full solidarity with the demands of the sit-in. He said that they will stay at the sit-in until the demands of the people of Kabkabiya have been met.

The protesters in Kabkabiya were happy with Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok announcement yesterday that he had received a memorandum with the demands of their sit-in from people from Kabkabiya that live in Khartoum.

Fata Borno

In neighbouring Kutum locality, a high-level delegation from the North Darfur government, that included members of the state’s security committee, visited the Fata Borno sit-in that started seven days ago. The delegation donated cash in favour of the sit-in.

The protesters expressed their dissatisfaction with the state government's failure to respond to their main demands of security, protection of the agricultural season, and the dismissal of officials affiliated with the regime of deposed President Omar Al Bashir.

People in Fata Borno closed all streets leading to the sit-in area, in protest against the governor’s speech. They also chanted slogans against the state government, and demanded their rights.

The North Darfur state government delegation
visiting the Fata Borno sit-in (Social media)



The Nierteti sit-in in Central Darfur, demanding security and protection of the agricultural season, entered its third week.

The newly appointed director of Nierteti locality addressed the protesters, declaring his commitment to provide security, development, and protection of the agricultural season. He called on the people to report everyone who destabilises security in the area. He pledged to resign if he is unable to provide security.

The new locality director said that the sit-in has succeeded in delivering its message, and that the state government has implemented 90 per cent of the demands. He pointed out that he had participated in developing a security plan to protect the agricultural season, and that he would be the head of the joint force that will provide the protection.

He said a large power generator would arrive at Nierteti today. The state government has also sent two tractors to help the farmers. He appealed to the protesters to lift the sit-in and resume work at the fields.

The people at the sit-in announced that the organising committee will study the speech, and give him a chance to fulfil his promises.

Ed Daein

Members of Resistance Committees in Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, began a protest vigil in front of the locality offices yesterday. They protest against the government's failure to dismiss officials of the ousted regime. They demand the formation of a committee for the removal of empowerment*, and construction of the road between Ed Daein and En Nahud in West-Kordofan.

Bahr El Arab

Resistance Committees in East Darfur’s Bahr El Arab blocked the locality offices, and started an open sit-in. They say the sit-in will last until the locality director and other officials of the former regime have been replaced, and the leaders of the ousted regime are held accountable for their crimes.

The protestors stressed the need to pay attention to both nomad’s as women's and children's issues, and provide security and development.


The sit-in in Misterei near El Geneina, capital of West Darfur, continued for the fifth day.

The Resistance Committees Coordination and the Sudanese Professionals Association in Misterei demanded in a statement yesterday the replacement of the Misterei security committee, which is composed of the director of Misterei, the police chief, and the army commander. The also seek protection of the agricultural season, prosecution of figures of the Al Bashir regime, removing empowerment*, disarmament of militiamen that supported the ousted regime, and banning of motorcycles.

They also demanded reconstruction of the Misterei-El Geneina road, and the provision of basic services in the area, including improvement of the weak telecommunication networks.

The protesters in Misterei described the visit of a state government delegation as “disappointing”. They demand that the state government and the federal government in Khartoum take “bold and courageous steps” to meet the demands of the Misterei sit-in.


The sit-in in Misterei yesterday (Social media)



The sit-in in eastern Sudan’s Kassala entered its fourth day today. The protestors demand the dismissal of the director of the security apparatus and several other figures of the deposed regime in the state. They also seek a swift announcement of the results of the investigation into the tribal clashes that occurred in eastern Sudan earlier this year.

The Kassala sit-in yesterday (Social media)


El Hawata

In El Geraef’s El Hawata, residents demanded asphalting of the road that links the town to the state capital, as the current road is hardly accessible in the rainy season.

Darfur Bar Association

The Darfur Bar Association (DBA) considers the protests which started with the Nierteti sit-in three weeks ago, “as a model for the reconstruction of the country at local and national level during the transitional period”.

In a statement issued yesterday, the DBA said that the model of peaceful sit-ins can be developed through organised programmes and activities developed by the demonstrators themselves, such as local conferences, technical and specialised workshops, focus groups, interviews, lectures and seminars, and employing audio and visual media to display issues and problems in each region.

The overall aim should  be to establish a permanent dialogue mechanism, engagement with the authorities in Khartoum and the states, and the development of medium to long-term strategic plans which outlines proposals for solutions, that are to be implemented by the authorities and those responsible for organising the sit-ins.

The DBA announced that it plans to expand consultations with Sudanese research centres and universities in all regions to develop such a model for sit-ins.

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