Sit-ins against insecurity spread from Darfur to rest of Sudan

Following the sit-in in Nierteti in Central Darfur, where a delegation from the federal government in Khartoum reached an agreement with the protest leaders this week, protest vigils are being staged in other parts of the country. In North Darfur, sit ins have been organised in Fata Borno and Kabkabiya (see video).

Sit-in in Fata Borno, in Kutum locality (RD)

Following the sit-in in Nierteti in Central Darfur, where a delegation from the federal government in Khartoum reached an agreement with the protest leaders this week, protest vigils are being staged in other parts of the country. In North Darfur, sit ins have been organised in Fata Borno and Kabkabiya (see video).

Elsewhere in Sudan, people in Soba El Aradi in Khartoum are holding a sit-in, while activists in eastern Sudan’s Kassala announced a protest vigil on Friday.

The Darfur actions carry similar demands to that of the sit-in of Nierteti, including protection of the agricultural season, and the dismissal of officials accused of corruption and of neglect concerning the Rule of Law.

The protesters in Fata Borno in Kutum locality demand disarmament of the militiamen and a ban on motorcycles in the area, expulsion of the new settlers from the displaced peoples’ farms and villages, the restructuring of the police departments in Kutum, and rehabilitation of the civil service institutions and administrative units in the locality.

Video: RD


Residents of Kabkabiya began a sit-in in front of the locality offices on Wednesday. They demand the dismissal of the North Darfur governor, the heads of the police and the General Intelligence Service (GIS) in the state, the commanders of the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces in the area, and the director of Kabkabiya locality. The security committee of Kabkabiya should be held accountable for the shooting on protestors participating in the Marches of the Millions on June 30 which caused wounding of more than six people.

In addition to the provision of providing basic services, they further demand the collection of weapons, the prohibition of weapons and motorcycles, protection of the agricultural season, the arrest of criminals, and removal of pockets of support for the dissolved National Congress Party of ousted President Omar Al Bashir in the state.

Kabkabiya (RD)


Soba El Aradi

The sit-in of Soba El Aradi in Khartoum enters its sixth day today. The protestors demand the provision of drinking water, electricity, and improved health and educational services in the area.

One of the sit-in leaders told Radio Dabanga that four of the water tankers providing water to the district have been no-operative for four days due to a lack of fuel.

The shortage of water has led to a rise in the price of a barrel of water to SDG600.


In eastern Sudan’s Kassala, activists began a sit-in on Friday. They call for the results of the investigation into the recent violent incidents in the town, the dismissal of a number of officials, and development of the area.

Kabkabiya (RD)



The sit-in of Nierteti in Central Darfur is continuing amid more influx of people and delegations coming from various Darfur towns and villages in support of the protest vigil that started on June 28.

In spite of the promises made by the federal government delegation that visited Nierteti over the weekend, the sit-in leaders are determined to continue until their demands are met in reality.

Today, a media delegation of more than 45 journalists and media professionals will arrive in Nierteti from Khartoum by bus to express solidarity with the sit-in and report about the developments.

Fata Borno (RD)


Port Sudan

Members of Resistance Committees being active in the neighbourhoods of Port Sudan, capital of Red Sea state, organised a vigil at the main bus station in the city, in support of the sit-in in Nierteti and calling for peaceful coexistence in New Halfa.

Participants in the vigil carried banners bearing the demands of the Nierteti protest, and calling denouncing the recent tribal clashes in New Halfa between Beni Amer and Nuba tribesmen that went on for three days.

Activists held speeches praising the sit-in. They emphasised the legitimacy of its demands, appealed to the residents of New Halfa to exercise restraint and compliance with the law, and called on the authorities to play their role in restoring the Rule of Law and security.

Yesterday, the residents of Jebeit, north of Port Sudan, closed the highway for the second time in a week, in protest against the lack of electricity.

Protesters laid tyres on the road and prevented vehicles from crossing.

The protesters conditioned opening the road with providing new generators and maintaining the broken generators.

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