Shelling, pillage, rape in North Darfur raids

Shelling by militiamen reduced many homes and shelters to ashes at Kambo Tambo village, about three kilometres south camp Sorenti of Kabkabiya locality in North Darfur on Saturday.

Shelling by militiamen reduced many homes and shelters to ashes at Kambo Tambo village, about three kilometres south camp Sorenti of Kabkabiya locality in North Darfur on Saturday.

The coordinator of Kabkabiya camps told Radio Dabanga that the militiamen shelled the camp with eight bombs that set fire to half of the houses.

The coordinator added that the militia also established a ‘toll-gate’ near a well on the road between Kobe-Sorenti and Kabkabiya where they imposed a toll of 10 SDG on anyone passing to and from the camp.

School complex burgled

On Saturday night, an unidentified group burgled the El Salam camp secondary and basic school complex.

The coordinator of Kabkabiya camps told Radio Dabanga that when the teachers came to the school complex on Sunday morning, they found the school supplies, furniture and books had been stolen and loaded onto a vehicle which reportedly headed towards the El Shati district.


On Saturday Abdelsalam Hasabullah was injured and two women were raped in an attack by militia members on a group of civilians who were on their way from Lewi area to Nierteti city in Central Darfur.

One of the relatives of Hasabullah told Radio Dabanga that five militiamen riding horses attacked five students and two women, robbed them of their money and mobile phones at gun point. They then shot Hasabullah in one of his legs and took the two women somewhere else and repeatedly raped them.

