Security Service detains a merchant in Kabkabiya, Darfur

The security authorities last Thursday arrested the merchant Abdel Rahman Adam Yahya from his shop in the city of Kebkabiya. They have not allowed his family to visit him so far, said one of his relatives, who added that that he was sick and relatives were concerned about his health. The family member demanded that the security release Abdel Rahman and he noted that the arrests by the security service are arbitrary. They also detained the merchant Najm Al Din Abdullah Ibrahim and took him to El Fasher where he remains until now, a witness told Radio Dabanga from Kebkabiya.

The security authorities last Thursday arrested the merchant Abdel Rahman Adam Yahya from his shop in the city of Kebkabiya. They have not allowed his family to visit him so far, said one of his relatives, who added that that he was sick and relatives were concerned about his health. The family member demanded that the security release Abdel Rahman and he noted that the arrests by the security service are arbitrary. They also detained the merchant Najm Al Din Abdullah Ibrahim and took him to El Fasher where he remains until now, a witness told Radio Dabanga from Kebkabiya.

