N. Darfur local officials to confer after Ramadan on agriculture, herding rules

The administrators of three localities in North Darfur will meet after Ramadan to discuss regulations affecting the livelihoods and security of rural populations.

The administrators of three localities in North Darfur will meet after Ramadan to discuss regulations affecting the livelihoods and security of rural populations. The coordination conference will involve the Localities of El Fasher, Kutum and Al Waha in North Darfur. The conference will be an opportunity to review the laws regulating the work of pastoralists and cultivators, in order to avoid friction between nomadic and sedentary peoples. Security committees, other government departments and civil society organizations will also participate. The three localities held a preparatory meeting for the conference in El Fasher on Tuesday and discussed ways to reduce frictions and effectively run a joint coordination mechanism to protect the social fabric and promote peaceful coexistence.

