‘Security agents rape student in Zalingei, Central Darfur’

A student of the University of Zalingei was reportedly raped by security officers in the Central Darfur capital on Friday.
Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a student reported that the victim took a rickshaw together with two other students in Zalingei on Friday.
“Two security agents stopped the rickshaw and threatened her fellow students,” he said.
“One of the officers claimed that he knew the girl. They took her to their office, where she was gang-raped. She was released the next morning.”
The source added that “the Students Fund is following the case”.

A student of the University of Zalingei was reportedly raped by security officers in the Central Darfur capital on Friday.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, a student reported that the victim took a rickshaw together with two other students in Zalingei on Friday.

“Two security agents stopped the rickshaw and threatened her fellow students,” he said.

“One of the officers claimed that he knew the girl. They took her to their office, where she was gang-raped. She was released the next morning.”

The source added that “the Students Fund is following the case”. 

