Cattle owner murdered in North Darfur’s Tawila

Gunmen shot dead a villager in Tawila locality and stole his cows today.
Omda Mukhtar Bosh, coordinator of the Tawila camps for the displaced, reported to Radio Dabanga that El Doma Yagoub Abdelmoula (63) was killed in Keweim village, 15 kilometres east of Tawila, this (Sunday) morning.
“Members of a government militia stormed Abdelmoula’s home in the early hours this morning with the aim to steal his cattle. When he resisted, they shot him dead. They then took the cows and fled in the western direction,” he said.

Gunmen shot dead a villager in Tawila locality and stole his cows today. Three firewood collectors were beaten in the same area on Thursday.

Omda Mukhtar Bosh, coordinator of the Tawila camps for the displaced, reported to Radio Dabanga that El Doma Yagoub Abdelmoula (63) was killed in Keweim village, 15 kilometres east of Tawila, this (Sunday) morning.

“Members of a government militia stormed Abdelmoula's home in the early hours this morning with the aim to steal his cattle. When he resisted, they shot him dead. They then took the cows and fled in the western direction,” he said.

On Thursday, three women were badly wounded in Sireif, east of Tawila. A witness told Radio Dabanga gunmen riding camels, and wearing military uniforms, attacked the women who were gathering firewood. The beating resulted in one of the women, 70 years old, breaking her hand, while the others sustained wounds on the head.

